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AU RBA cash rate 629 AUCBIR=ECI % Monthly RBA
AU CPI qq 632 AUCPIQ=ECI % Quarterly Stats AU
AU Employment 636 AUEMP=ECI k Monthly Stats AU
AU GDP qq 642 AUGDPQ=ECI % Quarterly Stats AU
AU Retail sales mm 669 AURSL=ECI % Monthly Stats AU
CA BoC rate decision 704 CABOCR=ECI % - Central Bank
CA CPI BoC core mm 711 CACPMM=ECI % Monthly Central Bank
CA Employment change 714 CAEMPC=ECI k Monthly Stats CA
CA GDP mm 719 CAGDPM=ECI % Monthly Stats CA
CA Retail sales mm 733 CARSLS=ECI % Monthly Stats CA
DE Ifo business climate 805 DEBUSS=ECI - Monthly IFO
DE ZEW economic sentiment 843 DEZEWS=ECI - Monthly ZEW
EU ECB refinancing rate 906 EUECBR=ECI % Monthly ECB
EU Unemployment rate 939 EUUNR=ECI % Monthly EUROSTAT
GB BOE Bank Rate 529 GBBOEI=ECI % Monthly BOE
GB GDP 2nd release qq 560 GBGD2=ECI % Quarterly ONS
GB GDP final qq Final 563 GBGDF=ECI % Quarterly ONS
GB GDP prelim qq 557 GBGDP=ECI % Quarterly ONS
GB CPI yy 541 GBHICY=ECI % Monthly ONS
GB Claimant count unem chng 547 GBCCU=ECI k Monthly ONS
GB ILO unemployment rate 550 GBILOU=ECI % Monthly ONS
GB Industrial output yy 526 GBIPY=ECI % Monthly ONS
GB Retail sales yy 552 GBRSLY=ECI % Monthly ONS
NO Cenbank rate decision 1273 NOINTR=ECI % - Norges Bank
NO Reg'd unemployment sa 1280 NOUNRS=ECI k Monthly NAV
NO GDP growth 1271 NOGDP=ECI % Quarterly Stats NO
NO Core inflation mm 1891 NOCPXM=ECI % Monthly Stats NO
NZ Cen Bank Interest Rate 1314 NZINTR=ECI % - NZ Reser Bnk
NZ CPI qq 1287 NZCPIQ=ECI % Quarterly Stats NZ
NZ Retail Sales Volumes Q/Q 1323 NZRSLQ=ECI % Quarterly Stats NZ
NZ HLFS Unemployment Rate 1296 NZEMPQ=ECI % Quarterly Stats NZ
SE Riksbank rate 1439 SERATE=ECI % - EcoWin AB
SE Ind production yy 1434 SEIPY=ECI % Monthly SCB
SE GDP flash qq 1431 SEGDP=ECI % Quarterly SCB
SE CPI yy 1429 SECPIY=ECI % Monthly SCB
SE Retail sales yy 1441 SERSLY=ECI % Monthly SCB
SE Unemployment 1443 SEUNR=ECI % Monthly SCB
US EIA weekly crude stocks 1601 USOILC=ECI mln Weekly EIA
US Nat gas-EIA, change bcf 1605 USOILN=ECI bln Weekly EIA
US Industrial output mm 484 USIP=ECI % Monthly Fed Reserve
US Core CPI yy, nsa 448 USCPFY=ECI % Monthly BLS
US Non-farm payrolls 496 USNFAR=ECI k Monthly BLS
US Fed funds target rate 468 USFOMC=ECI % - FOMC
US Retail sales mm 515 USRSL=ECI % Monthly Dept of Commerce
US U Mich Expectations Prelim 2284 USUMEP=ECI - Monthly Univ of Mich
US GDP Preliminary (GDP qq) 2265 USGDPP=ECI % Quarterly Dept of Commerce
US GDP Advance 2264 USGDPA=ECI % Quarterly Dept of Commerce
US New home sales chg mm 1566 USHNSP=ECI % Monthly Dept of Commerce
US ADP National Employment 521 USADP=ECI k Monthly ADP
US Initial jobless claims 486 USJOB=ECI k Weekly Dept of Labor

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